Saturday, March 22, 2025



Ecuador. Phase 1. Top-6 qualify to Liguilla Final

Bottom-7 participate in Liquilla de no descenso
 1.Barcelona            24 14  6  4 33-17 34 [Guayaquil]
 2.LDU de Quito         24 11  6  7 37-26 28
 3.América              24  9 10  5 30-27 28 [Quito]
 4.Emelec               24  9  9  6 28-24 27 [Guayaquil]
 5.Dep. Quito           24 10  6  8 26-25 26
 6.El Nacional          24  9  7  8 40-30 25 [Quito]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7.LDU de Portoviejo    24  9  6  9 34-37 24             (play in Manta)
 8.Aucas                24  6 10  8 31-30 22 [Quito]
 9.Universidad Católica 24  7  8  9 22-22 22 [Quito]
10.Macará               24  6 10  8 27-31 22 [Ambato]
11.9 de Octubre         24  5 10  9 23-32 20 [Guayaquil]
12.Patria               24  5  8 11 18-31 18 [Guayaquil]
13.Everest              24  4  8 12 25-42 16 [Guayaquil]

Liguilla de no descenso

1.Universidad Católica 36 12 13 11 46-34 37 [Quito]
2.Aucas 36 11 14 11 50-44 36 [Quito] Relegated (1)
3.Macara 36 11 13 12 45-41 35 [Ambato] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4.LDU de Portoviejo 36 12 9 15 48-57 33
5.9 de Octubre 36 9 13 14 41-54 31 [Guayaquil]
6.Patria 36 8 12 16 30-49 28 [Guayaquil] Relegated
7.Everest 36 9 10 17 42-68 28 [Guayaquil] Relegated
Record of Phase 1 was carried forward to Liguilla de no descenso. Initially bottom-4 relegated – however, National championship was extended to 16 clubs in 1971 and only 2 teams were relegated. (1) Aucas play playoff with Politécnico (Pichincha's second division champion) to decide which team of Pichincha is relegated to second division; according to reglementation to 1971 Pichincha only can have 4 teams in National Championship. (2) LDU de Portoviejo maintained in National Championship 1971 by decision of Extraordinary Congress of Federación Ecuatoriana de Fútbol.

Liguilla Final

1.Barcelona 34 19 7 8 44-31 45 [Guayaquil] Champions
2.Emelec 34 14 11 9 47-32 39 [Guayaquil] Runners-up
3.América 34 13 13 8 38-35 39 [Quito]
4.LDU de Quito 34 14 8 12 51-45 36
5.El Nacional 34 13 9 12 54-42 35 [Quito]
6.Deportivo Quito 34 13 8 13 32-36 34
Record of Phase 1 was carried forward to Liguilla Final

Barcelona (Guayaquil) – champion!

Barcelona won its 4th title.