Uruguay Second Level (Primera B) 1970
1.Danubio 16 13 1 2 36-16 27 promoted 2.Progreso 16 8 4 4 24-20 20 promotional playoff 3.Central 16 7 5 4 25-20 19 promotional playoff 4.Wanderers 16 5 6 5 17-18 16 5.Rentistas 16 4 6 6 19-20 14 6.La Luz 16 6 2 8 17-20 14 7.Colón 16 5 4 7 19-23 14 8.Mar de Fondo 16 4 3 9 15-27 11 9.Fénix 16 2 5 9 15-23 9
Playoff - see First Division article.
1.Defensor 3 2 1 0 8- 1 5 2.Central 3 1 2 0 3- 2 4 Promoted 3.Progreso 3 1 1 1 3- 4 3 4.Rampla Jrs. 3 0 0 3 1- 8 0 Relegated Promoted: Danubio and Central Relegated from 1st level: Rampla Juniors Promedios Relegation (average over 1969 and 1970) 1.Danubio 27.0 (relegated 1969, only 1970) 2.Progreso 20.0 3.Central 19.5 4.Rentistas 15.0 5.Wanderers 14.0 6.Fénix 13.5 7.La Luz 13.0 8.Colón 12.0 9.Mar de Fondo 11.0 (promoted 1969, only 1970) Relegated – unlucky boys: promoted in 1969, their single season couldn't give them enough average points against teams playing at least 2 seasons in the league. Danubio – Second Division champions and directly promoted to First Division. Promoted from 3rd level: Cerrito – Third Division champion. El Tanque Miramar